
What are HTML tables used for?


HTML tables are used to display tabular data in a structured grid format on a webpage. They consist of rows and columns, where data can be organized neatly into cells. HTML tables are commonly used for various purposes, including:

  • Displaying Tabular Data: Tables are primarily used to present tabular data such as financial reports, product listings, schedules, and any other data that is naturally organized into rows and columns.
  • Comparing Information: Tables allow users to easily compare different pieces of information within rows and columns. This makes them useful for presenting data in a way that highlights relationships and differences.
  • Email Templates: In HTML emails, tables are often used to structure the layout of the email content due to inconsistent CSS support across email clients (meh).
  • Data Representation: Tables are used in scientific and research fields to represent experimental data, survey results, and other research findings in a structured format.

If you're looking to quickly create any of the above, we have a nifty little tool that will create HTML tables for you.

It’s important to note that in the past, HTML tables were often used to create layouts for forms or even entire web pages. While this is still technically possible, it’s highly recommended not to do so. If you’re looking to create layouts for your websites, it’s recommended to use much more modern techniques, such as CSS flexbox or grid.